Sunday, September 28, 2008

Red River Revel

I'm kind of disappointed after checking this year's Revel line-up. As best I can tell, the music headliner is Edgar Winter. There are other acts as well, some of them from the country genre, that might actually be headliners, but since I don't "do" country I wouldn't know. One year they had "Little Feat" and I went alone (couldn't get anyone to go with me!) and sat in the drizzle just so I could hear "Dixie Chicken."

I usually love going to the Revel because I like to look at the art stuff. A lot of it is kind of the same from year to year, but I like it anyway. I like the folks that sell the little carved sheep with real wool glued on. I LOVE all the stained glass people. One year Steve bought me the most gorgeous stained glass piece that reminded me of a Mondrian. Gorgeous color blocks. It hangs in my living room window now.

I love going for the food, too, overpriced though it is. The funnel cakes are great, and I love the crawfish etouffe. I always get a slice of mufaletta pizza!

The best thing about the Revel is the atmosphere; I always run into someone I know that I haven't seen in ages. The food smells, the music coming from all ends of the site, the crowds - it's all good fun. I will probably go mill around, but I'm sad that there's no big music draw this year. At least, not for me!

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