Tuesday, September 2, 2008
RNC Fireworks
I totally adore Shepard Smith; he cracks me up. Last week during the Democratic Convention he was streaming live on the "internets" and observing the speeches Mystery Science Theater Style with his guests. They had a nice set up in a bar with big screens and such. I stayed up long past my normal bedtime watching his antics and having a great time.
So tonight for the RNC Shep and friends were to do the same thing. Now, I have to sympathize with Shep. He has been in NOLA covering Gustav, he's been in Mississippi, he's been on-the-go for days. GOT to be exhausted. It was apparent tonight during RNC Mystery Science Theater style.
Shep was cranky as I've ever seen him (exhausted-cranky). He did not like the set, he did not like the styrofoam plates and cups; he did not like the microphones, there were no antennae; he did not have a Diet Coke, and he did not like various aspects of the engineering such as the audio set-up. He also did not like the opinions, or more specifically, the word-choice of one of his guests. Shep had a pro-life woman who was also providing commentary. All seemed pretty much okay until she expressed disfavor with Lieberman. Shep pressed her to explain why and she finally said because Lieberman is "pro-abortion." Wrong answer. Shep got angry with her and insisted that NOBODY is pro-abortion. He declared the abortion issue a "wedge issue" - divisive, hate-filled, and having no place in politics. When the woman refused to take back what she said, Shep put his laptop in his chair and walked off set.
Like I said, I totally adore Shepard Smith. I think mostly because he SAYS what he thinks (as he did tonight) and he does not back down. We all saw this during his Katrina coverage. I think, whether you agree with him in position or not, you have to respect that.
He never came back to the set during the rest of the stream; I'm curious to see if he comes back for tomorrow's streaming or if Fox even continues with The Strategy Room. The fireworks he gave us "internets" tonight was more exciting than the speeches on the auditorium floor! Get a good night's sleep Shep! We missed you tonight!
He seemed fine from what little I saw of Studio B today and he announced the strategy room is back on tonight! I'm thinking he was just tired or something...I mean if he didn't want to talk about abortion, why the hell did they have a woman who represents an anti-abortion group on as one of his guest?? But anyway, I've heard him refer to it as "baby-killing" in the past too. I put no stock in any opinions he throws out there.