Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Television is Possessed

Mom and I went to the neurologist today for her progress checkup and things went uneventfully and about as I figured. He asked how physical therapy was going and how she was feeling and were there any new symptoms? We told him PT is great, it's wonderful and we love it. We told him it's helping and that mom is now starting to feel some slight sensation in her fingers. Flexibility in the hands is greatly improved. Big shocker here - the neruo has not received the lab results from the six vials of blood mom drained last week. He's going to search those out.

We got our new PT prescription and came home; mom was so nervous about the doctor visit all day she never ate and was just wiped out when I got her home. I made a sandwich and made her eat before I left. She was feeling a lot better by then because he didn't stick any 3 inch needles in her neck this time.

And as if things at her house weren't crazy enough, her television has taken to turning itself off and on. When the LSU game was on TWO weeks ago, mom called me and asked me if my reception had cut out. No, it hadn't. As it turns out, her t.v. cut out again this week during the game, and she told me about it the next day. Asked me if mine had gone out and I said no. She simply went to another television and watched the game in another room.

Well, this evening I was in the kitchen making her sandwich and I heard the t.v. click on, then the news came blasting. Mom is hard of hearing so when the t.v. comes on, it comes on really loud. I looked in the den, wondering if mom had gone in there and turned on the 5:00 news. Nope.

So I go take the sandwich to her and tell her, "Your t.v. just turned itself on."

She's all "Oh! I'm so glad! I didn't tell you it was doing that because I thought you wouldn't believe me and think I was losing my mind!" She was so glad I saw it for myself.

I checked through the menus on there and cannot find a sleep timer or any valid reason why it would be doing this. I'm sure there is one, or maybe the ghost of daddy is just settling in to watch the news. Maybe I should ask her if LSU was losing when the t.v. cut out during the games, because Dad really hated it when they lost.



  1. such cute comments about Papa :)

    that would SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!

    god. hey - did we ever catch the rat?

  2. The neighbor told me she smelled something dead under her house a few weeks ago and she's betting it was "The Rat" because I haven't seen a single sign. All the traps and DCon remain untouched.

    Still, it's like waiting for the other shoe to drop.
