Monday, October 20, 2008

Why I Like John McCain Today - the Honesty Edition

The reason I like John McCain today is because I know who he is. I know what he stands for and he's honest about it. He has basic human honesty. I like McCain because even though I might not agree with what he says all the time, I know he is speaking from the heart as to what HE believes. We can disagree. But he is honest about what he says. Not to say that he might on occasion change his mind about an issue - again, it's not the same thing as basic honesty. When Mr. Obama (and two of his campaign people) say that Obama never endorsed the Bill Ayers book, that is a lie. It's not a mistake. It's not misinformation. It's not a change of heart. It is a lie. Obama KNOWS if he got an advance copy of the book and wrote a tiny blurb for it. (His tall tale about the Ayers blurb is one of a string; add to it the Obama "was never a trainer, organizer, or any kind of employee for Acorn" story and again, you find if not an out and out lie, certainly a gross distortion of the truth. If it's not an outright lie it would only be because of a small technicality of wording - words which Mr. Obama is so gifted with.)

Similarly, and I've said this before, when Mr. Obama says he didn't know Ayers was a terrorist, I believe that is a lie. How could he not know that? How?

I like John McCain's honesty as far as his dealings with the American people, too. He knows that he is not ABOVE Congress or the will of the people that put him in office. Mr. Obama has said he would go around, that is - circumvent - Congress in order to "regulate the carbon emissions of lawn and garden equipment" (somebody please tell his advisors that carbon is not a dangerous pollutant!) So, I won't be able to use my leaf blower without some kind of regulation over my head? Seriously?

I like John McCain's honesty when he says that he won't tolerate terrorism or those who threaten our country. I think terrorists believe him, too. I believe him when he says that "America faces a dedicated, focused, and intelligent foe in the war on terrorism. This enemy will probe to find America's weaknesses and strike against them. The United States cannot afford to be complacent about the threat, naive about terrorist intentions, unrealistic about their capabilities, or ignorant to our national vulnerabilities." Mr. Obama's own VP choice confirms, in a sense, my sentiment. Those that want to do us harm will think twice before attacking a nation with McCain at the helm while with Mr. Obama in charge, who has made it clear that he will sit down and talk without preconditions, terrorists or those who want to attack us throughout the world will feel less at risk with Mr. Obama in charge. Biden said that within the first six months of an Obama presidency we would be tested on this front. I want a guy in charge that knows how to deal with terrorists!

I like McCain for his honesty on where he stands. I know where he stands. So do terrorists. And, for the record, terrorists know where Mr. Obama stands, too. I guess that is another kind of honesty.

Mr. McCain has always been clear where he stands. He's a Republican but he leans to centrist or liberal in lots of areas (immigration for example.) But he's honest about it. If he was ever a member of the socialist party, I believe he would have said so, unlike his opponent who hides and denies this part of his past. Yet with the photo of Obama and other victorious New Party endorsed candidates, Mr. Obama does not come clean about this association. Investors Business Daily has done a TWENTY part series outlining Mr. Obama's socialist politics. If the "spread the wealth around" comment was not enough to convince ANYone, or even the "go around Congress" philosphy mentioned above, the IBD series is pretty solid. Mr. McCain is honest and right on in his assessment that socialism is not the way this country needs to go.

Yes, the recent buyout is a form of socialism. And yes, McCain (and Obama) supported it. But McCain was one of those who tried to stop it in 2006 when he warned Congress about what was coming. By the time it got to where we are today there was little McCain OR Obama could do about it but stop the bleeding.

The point, if you're still with me, is this. McCain does not always choose the popular stance. We're all tired of the "maverick" term but he is honest about what he believes and he fights for it. I do not believe Mr. Obama is honest because of his consistent deceptions about Acorn, about Ayers, about Wright, about Farrakhan, about The New Party, and the list goes on.

You can accuse Mr. McCain of lots of things, but lying or deception is not one of them. So the reason I like John McCain today is for his honesty about who he is and where he has been.


  1. If it's not lying, what do you call his statement about his relatives, both black and white, whom he refuses to acknoweldge?

  2. With all the people Obama has surrounding him and his inability to tell the truth, if he wins, his administration will probably be so corrupt that it will make the Clinton Administration look like a bunch of saints.

  3. It's really ironic that ANY repub would refer to dirty administrations with Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes to look back on. We will eventually find all the dirt on Cheney/Bush and we all know there is plenty.
