Here's a gratuitous Russell Crowe picture for my Saturday round-up.
You may have noticed my blogroll growing over on the right sidebar. I have recently discovered some really great blogs which I'm sure most of the world already knew about. But be sure to check them out from time to time. My addition today is Robert Stacy McCain's blog. I've been reading him in American Spectator for while but clueless as I am, did not realize he had a personal blog. Love his writing style!
I also have been enjoying reading The Anchoress. She does a lot of linking to articles I might miss and her writing style is very easy and conversational.
I also love Nansen Malin's blog from Seaview, WA - she highlights a beautiful part of the country and uses lots of vintage photographs!
Today is Mardi Gras parade weekend number two and so I'm gearing up for that. This afternoon is the Krewe of Gemini Parade (same route as last week's Centaur Parade) and then tomorrow is the Highland Parade. We're going to try to have some friends over for the Highland Parade if we can all get our schedules coordinated! I'll probably live blog both parades with some photos as I did last week, this time with an eye to not running out of battery life before the parade starts!
I drove part of the parade route last night when I went to pick up The Teenager and the streets were already lined with RVs and campers, pickup trucks and even rows of plastic chairs holding spots. The overnighters had bonfires going and were mingling from camper to camper all having a big old time. It looked like fun!
My reading table is still groaning with unread books although I lightened the load by one last night. I finished Inside Gitmo. It was a fascinating book and has a great website tie-in that you should check if you are at all interested in the topic. Lt. Col. Cucullu is extrememly knowledgable about the subject and has even responded to an email question or two of mine.
I'm still reading Team of Rivals but I put it aside for the Gitmo book. I'm getting back to it today but looking longingly at The Yankee Years sitting there. I also have a John Grisham waiting for me and the adorable Daily Coyote book.
Happy reading!
being totally confident in my own sexuality that I am.. Crow is a good looking man.. But Gerard Butler (King Leonidos from 300) would kick his ass any day of the week