I'm officially done with school for the summer. The kids got out Thursday and we had inservice and closing up activities yesterday. I turned in my grade book, unplugged my computer, turned off the lights and was off. Last night I hit the wall of exhaustion and did nothing. Too tired to blog! But a good friend came over and she made Steve and I watch this movie:
I'd never even heard of it, and after watching it, I know why. It's the story of "Dewey Cox" (ugh!) and is a spoof of "Walk the Line". There was even a cameo appearance by Jackson Browne, Lyle Lovett, and Jewel. It had a few comical moments but, well... let's just move on.
There were some really big things going on I wanted to write about over the past few days but didn't feel energetic enough to do them justice so I'm going to point to a few of my friends and the fine job they did covering them. I'll be more prolific over the next few weeks than I've been this past week! Go read these:
Stacy McCain has a great post on the DealerGate issue regarding the squeezing out of Republican auto dealers. Doug Ross has done some great work on this story. This is going to be big.
Gateway Pundit posted on the Pravda story. I continue to be befuddled as to why the left thinks BHO is doing such great things for this country and I still can't come up with anything other than that they think socialism isn't so bad. This is the answer I got from them during the election when we told them this was coming. Now they've got it. Bride of Rove also did an excellent post on this.
Little Miss Attila has a post on the "Not One Red Cent" / Crist-Rubio situation. She has posted a response she received from a Senate aide about it which is important. I continue to believe that Rubio is a better candidate. I simply don't think it's all about winning, and I do realize how important it is to keep and gain Republican seats, but were I in Florida, there's no way I could bring myself to vote for Crist. None. The point that Not One Red Cent makes is that the NRSC should stay out of the primary. If they want to endorse Crist after that, fine.
Red State has an excellent post on Obama's "presidential privilege" with regard to his trip to Las Vegas "on the taxpayer dime" where he told others back in February that they couldn't do that.
Professor Jacobson has the latest on the Sotomayor nomination. It doesn't get any better than his analysis!
Okay - those are the stories I wanted to write about this week and just couldn't. I think they're important enough to read about though, so go read them. But come back here because I'm working on something else that you'll want to see later!
When will I wake up from this nightmare?