Friday, August 21, 2009

Slip Sliding Away

Now THIS is interesting :

President Barack Obama's popularity has plummeted to a record low, with just 45 percent of voters now approving of his performance, according to the latest Zogby International poll.

Asked whether they approve or disapprove of the president's job performance, just 45.3 percent of likely voters say they approve. That compares with 50.5 percent who disapprove of the job Obama is doing.

The results are a strong indication that contentious national debate over healthcare reform has taken a major toll on the president's popularity.

Those numbers also indicate that Obama clearly is in serious political trouble, Fox News analyst and best-selling author Dick Morris tells Newsmax.

"As soon as Obama dropped below 52 percent . . . he was leaking real voters who had backed him in November," Morris tells Newsmax. "Now that he is down to 45 percent among likely voters . . . he is in deep political trouble."

That's from Newsmax, via Hot Air. I've never placed a lot of faith in polls, as I've said on this blog in the past, but I do believe they are fair indicators. This particular poll reflects an all time low for Obama.

What Hot Air points out, and is certainly true, is this quote:

Continued evidence of declining popularity there will ratchet up the pressure on congressional blue dogs and other conservative Democrats to go their own way on controversial proposals such as public-option healthcare and energy cap-and-trade, knowing they can't rely on presidential coattails to prop them up with voters.

The daily Rasmussen poll isn't out yet, as of this posting, but yesterday's results had Obama at 50/50 with a daily approval index of -6.


(More at Memeorandum!)

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