Saturday, January 16, 2010

Checking In

My weekly Saturday round-up will run on Sunday this week. I've been in a mental funk the past 24 hours and not up to much. I'm rebounding, though. Slowly.

On a happy note, I'm glad Bride of Rove has thawed out down there in the Keys enough to start blogging again. I've just spend a little while at her place reading about Haiti, frozen iguanas, and the problems with the White House carpet. She's in rare form this weekend.

As for me, I'm going to hunker down and watch it rain and put a pot of taco soup on to simmer.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the rain, and some easy time. It's the last holiday for a while. I'm over here in Central Texas and enjoy your blog. I keep forgetting to tell you I've linked to you from my sidebar on my tiny little blog. It isn't political so yours and a couple others I link to as a sneaky way of sharing political opinion with my few readers. I love that you blog about life in Shreveport and in general too. Real life is most refreshing these days :-)

