Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Jindal Running in 2012?

So it seems Bobby Jindal has a book coming out this summer which prompts Marc Ambinder to wonder if he's running for President. He cites Huckabee, Romney and Palin as precedent, and supposedly one could also include Obama in that list:

Writing a book seems to be the mark of presidential ambitions--Romney, Palin, and Mike Huckabee have all published and toured to promote books in the last year--and it will be interesting to see just how much policy is included in this book, and whether or not his publicity rollout constitutes an aggressive move back onto the national political scene.

I think the logic reaches a little far. Lots of people have published books that aren't running for President.

Jindal's book is already up at Amazon even though it isn't coming out until July 2010. The blurb says:

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is not only a rising star in the GOP but has been touted as the future face of the Republican Party. In his new book, Jindal tells his own inspiring story and reveals his plan for putting conservatives and America back on solid ground. Blending his personal story, including his conversion to Christianity and his unprecedented political career, with an account of his local and national governmental successes, Jindal offers a bold vision for renewing the GOP and our nation. From health care and national debt to how we can fundamentally transform Washington, Jindal tackles controversial issues and offers fresh solutions. Insightful and inspiring, On Solid Ground provides the leadership voice Republicans seek and the guidance America needs.

You'll find lots of people in Louisiana who are not sold on Bobby Jindal. Moon Griffon, who hosts a radio program broadcast throughout the state, refers to Jindal as "Campaign Bobby" because he's perpetually campaigning and off raising funds somewhere. Griffon takes issue with Jindal as well because Jindal won't appear on Moon's program anymore to answer questions.

Louisiana pundit C.B. Forgotston isn't a fan either.

I could be dead wrong, but I don't see Jindal running in 2012.

And you know what? I'm not really interested in reading his book, either.

(H/T: The Dead Pelican)


  1. Ha! A book already? What is it with young professionals and their books? I thought you had to lead a life of rich experience for quite a while before penning a memoir.

  2. Speaking of books, lemme know how that Edwin Edwards read goes. I was thinking of grabbing a copy myself.

  3. Maybe I am jaded by listening to Moon Griffon, but he has lost his appeal to me as well. Show me something he has done!

  4. Sadly, a problem with some of the arguably good governance of Jindal's administration, will be the incredible fall out from the bone headed decision to stop a rational, gradual process of the state removing itself from providing direct services to citizens by a ham-handed meat cleaver action "out of no where."

    The immediate shut down of five inpatient treatment centers for chemcial dependency will have short term and long term impacts on communities - all undesirable.
