Sunday, April 11, 2010

Red River Tax Day Tea Party Event 2010

I've had some inquiries about a local Tax Day Tea Party this year and rest assured there will be one.  Red River Tea Party is finalizing plans and ready to kick off  this year in a new location.  This year we'll be on East Texas Street in Bossier City in that field between Paper Shack and First Baptist.  Be sure to bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on and bring signs!  The time is 5:30 to 7:30. 

I attended the Tax Day Tea Party last April and the one in July and both were excellent. 

Events this year include speakers Tom Cryer, a Shreveport attorney, Senior Legal Counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, Mike Johnson; Don G. Briggs, President of Louisiana Oil and Gas Association; Chris Gorman, Executive VP of Tango Transport; Sharon McCullar, local businesswoman and wonderful speaker!  She's also a Vietnam veteran.  Royal Alexander will emcee again this year and once again the La. Outlaws will provide the music.

Organizers are asking that you bring canned goods for the food bank again this year.  There will also be voter registration available.  Volunteers are always needed so if you'd like to get involved, contact Kim at  If you can't attend for one reason or another but would like to donate, go here to do that.

Bring your camera, your video camera and lots of friends!

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