Thursday, April 1, 2010


This video is everywhere but I just had to put it up. It's just amazing. Rep. Hank Johnson is concerned that Guam might "tip over" from overpopulation. Seriously. Not an April Fool's Joke.

(H/T: Michelle Malkin)


  1. Rush explained the guys health problems. He is in the end stage of Hep C and likely has hepatic encephalitist. If you listen to his speech, it is fairly characteristic of the disorder. Now a good question would be, why is someone this ill in Congress? He certainly would not be allowed to participate in any other work area with responsibility.

  2. You might want to check this out ( for the backstory. It did seem too simple.

  3. Aww! Now I feel bad. Didn't know the man was sick, but it doesn't negate the fact that he should not be in Congress!

  4. I just read the symptoms of the end stage of Hep C. My condolences to Mr. Johnson, however, stupidity isn't one of the symptoms.

    This man is from Georgia, the same state that gave us another member of the Mensa Society, Cynthia McKinney.

  5. Its scary that people like Rep. Hank Johnson is running our country.A complete loon.But is funny to watch.

  6. Future Democrat Congressional CandidateApril 3, 2010 at 8:29 PM

    I wanted to see what it was like to be a liberal, so stood on a chair and did a head dive onto my kitchen floor. After suffering temporary brain damage I came came up with a great idea to prevent pending doom and to use of stimulus money. We need to hire some people to drive large steel beams into the ocean floor just off the continental shelf of Guam. This will promote job growth by hiring people to make the beam and to put the beams in place. Plus it will prevent Guam from tipping over.
