Saturday, June 5, 2010

Anybody Out There Creative?

While exploring along the railroad tracks in south Caddo parish yesterday, Steve picked up these railroad spikes for me. 

What in the world can I do with them?  Where are my creative people?  Any ideas?


  1. About 30 years ago, I think I had a few ties sand-blasted by an uncle. They look cool, but not greatly function. Maybe a paper-weight on the school desk.
    Or something to throw at the teenager when needed.

  2. If you have a graden you could use them as markers. Or be artsy and and fasten them to a 2 x 4 and put it on display in your home.

  3. LOL! I'm googling "graden" but now I figured out you meant "garden"!

    Sharp as a tack, I am.

  4. They are a handy substitute for a hammer. Good door stop if you have a door that needs propped and a floor you don't care about. Bad thing to stump a toe on in the middle of the night. ;-)

  5. Railroad spike knife

  6. I meant that of course...riiight. Too bad the comments section doesn't have spellcheck ;-(
