Saturday, October 2, 2010

Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Oktoberfest 2010 Edition

Now that I've survived Oktoberfest and can concentrate on politics again, I need to get caught up with what's been going on in the world.  What better way than to take a spin through the blogosphere and see what's crackin'. 

Bob Belvedere and The Daley Gator unload on Alan Grayson - hilarious. 

Left Coast Rebel unloads on James O'Keefe.

Legal Insurrection's Saturday Night Card Game takes aim on Gloria Allred.

Obi's Sister has some advice for Obama.

Pundette pronounces Obama "Stuck on Slurpee."

Doug Ross refutes the idea that our southern border is secure.

The Lonely Conservative gets hate mail.

American Power has a great post on today's rally in Washington as does Pirate's Cove.

Wyblog needs a break.

Mind Numbed Robot has a must read post on Progressives in State Governments.

Sister Toldjah is offended by Obama's "slave" quote.

Potluck posts the "most disgraceful enviro ad EVER."

Stacy and Smitty are celebrating birthdays and are trying to recover from blog-flu.

Fishersville Mike's Weekend Watchdog is up.

Reaganite Republican updates the status of the Florida Senate race.

Fenway Nation had a blogiversary! 

Bride of Rove laments the death of the NASA dream.

And with that, I think I'm up to speed.  Continued Oktoberfest recovery tonight (compounded by that crazy-assed LSU finale) and back to regular, non-Oktoberfest blogging tomorrow.

Happy weekend!


  1. Thanks for the link. Here's to a speedy recovery!

  2. If my typing is schlurred, I blame Octooberfest. Your linkage ish mosht gurrreatly apperechiate the lincks, to be shoer. *hic* :)

  3. Thanks, Pat. Glad you made it through.
