A late FMJRA on a Sunday evenning. Rain is starting to move through (hallelujah!) and I've been busy all weekend with various duties and activities so I'm slow on the go with my round up. Friday night we went to the Blues and Bar-B-Que event on Barksdale AFB. It was hot, hot, hot but we had a big time. AJ and the Two Tone Blues played and the BBQ was catered by The Shed. T'was fabulous. We ate, watched a pie eating contest, danced, drank Sam Adams, and tried to stay cool.
Saturday I hit a couple of garage sales and one estate sale. I picked up this cute, cute vase (pictured below, right), but that was the end of me. I've spent the rest of the weekend trying to identify and date the thing. It's not enough for me to have a pretty piece of glass and just enjoy it. Oh no. I have to know when it was made, what company made it, and everything else I can find out about it. I'm obsessive and it drives me crazy. Truly. I am thrilled when my research pays off and I can find the name of a pattern or a maker. So far I've been thwarted on this piece so I'll probably have to haul it over to Milly and see what she can tell me.
Anyway, my obsessions aside, let's see what my favorite bloggers have to say this week:
Doug Ross points out that The White House website is now Obama campaign headquarters.
Pecan Corner is collecting pottery! We're on the same wavelength, sort of.
Ed Driscoll writes about WeinerGate but it's not THAT WeinerGate...On a related note, see No Sheeples Here!
Via The Lonely Conservative, Ann Marie Buerkle grills the EPA.
TrogloPundit reports on Weiner's cancelled speech.
The Other McCain has been on The Cain Train since the very beginning.
American Power sees Cain momentum.
Bwahahahahaa! Paco highlights the funniest story of the week.
Mind Numbed Robot reports on the Texas prayer case.
Speaking of graduations, Bride of Rove comments on graduation speeches in general and has advice of her own.
Another Black Conservative is not feeling the "economic recovery" thing.
The Pirate's Cove comments on the poor economy and Obama's 2012 plan.
Protein Wisdom on why Palin matters.
Bachmann/Bolton in 2012? Reaganite Republican explains.
Andrew Sullivan insults Professor Jacobson.
I almost don't notice things like this anymore; I'm glad Adrienne does.
Pundette has a roundup of thoughts and a pretty picture of hollyhocks. I had hollyhocks once!
I'm going to get back to my research on my vase. Back to the real world tomorrow.
Thank you for the link! Going to go around and read the other sites now. Hope your week is wonderful!
ReplyDeletePS heh - the security word has "dish" in it!