Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Quote of the Day

"But if you can’t draw the line at being ruled by creeps with a spambot penis, you can’t draw it anywhere."

Mark Steyn

Sad, but true. 


  1. I got creeped out way back, when Newt was Speaker of the House and Tom Delay was remaking politics in Texas and Larry Craig was toe tapping in an airport toilet and Vitter was hiring prostitutes while married, etc.

  2. I would say I was creeped out with Barney Frank running a male prostitute ring out of his Boston town home....and Bill Clinton getting oral sex from an intern a few years older than his daughter in the Oval Office....and Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd having a waitress sandwich...or John Edwards fathering a child with his mistress while his wife is dying...or Eliot Spitzer having to resign after he was found to use high end prostitutes...

    Then again,as with little Weiner, I'm not surprised.

  3. Charlene, were you just as creeped out when former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey was playing piccolos in truck stop restrooms?

  4. I"ll bet Charlene was really creeped out that Ted Kennedy got away with killing his girlfriend.
