Saturday, September 10, 2011

The SIGIS Octoberfest Store is OPEN!

This post is bumped to the top; seven more shopping days until Oktoberfest begins!

The SIGIS Octoberfest shop is now open for your shopping pleasure.  The SIGIS Amazon shop has reliably served your shopping needs for over a year now and now we've added an Octoberfest wing.

Everything you need for your 2011 Octoberfest is here!  Want to throw your own Octoberfest celebration?   We've got authentic Octoberfest music, table cloths, wall decorations, bratwursts, a cookbook, and costumes!

Want that Octoberfest theme in your home?  You'll love the wonderful cuckoo clock imported from the Black Forest with moving beer maidens and beer drinkers!

Want to brew your own?  There's a kit so you can get started!

And best of all, Sam Adams Octoberfest soap!

 Octoberfest officially begins September 17, so make your plans NOW!!!!!

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