Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Informal and Unscientific SIGIS Poll

So who is going to watch Obama's speech Thursday?  Several Republican aren't.

If you ARE going to watch, why?  I mean, I'll probably watch so I can blog about it and you won't have to suffer through it.  But, do you expect to hear anything new from him?  What are you anticipating he will say?  More of the same? 

Exit question:  What will his speech to do the markets on Friday?


  1. It's un-American to watch politics on big football days...

  2. I won't be able to watch. I'll be too busy pacing the floor preparing for the Green Bay Packers/Shreveport Saints game.

  3. I will not mix politics and religion so I will be watching Da Saints.

  4. Not watching Obama or the Repubs!

  5. If I hadn't already made plans to clean under my fingernails.

  6. I watched the debate last night and will watch Obama tonite. No matter what my party affiliation, I want to be sure I know the facts so I can be an informed voter. So, I will listen to both Dems and Repubs. So far, I still have questions that haven't begun to be answered.

  7. Not empressed with the candidates. We need Palin to run!
