Saturday, June 2, 2012

Take a Trip to the 2012 Cross Lake Floatilla

The tops of my feet are sunburned.  I wore sandals today to the Cross Lake Floatilla (yes, I know it's "flotilla," but they spell it "floatilla" for this event.)  I'm usually a jeans and tennis shoes kind of girl but it didn't seem right for a party on the lake with some 150 boats.  So, I wore sandals and now I have a strange sunburn pattern.  

Steve and I made a day of it today watching the boats at the Floatilla; being land lubbers, we survived just fine by going in and out of the air conditioning at the American Legion post today. 

 We'd walk around outside and listen to the band.

We ate sausage on a stick.

We pet an alligator.

There was a decorated boat parade.

The theme this year was "Swampy People and Cross Lake WILDlife."

The decorated boats definitely reflected Louisiana's swampy side and some gave a nod to Louisiana's bicentennial year as well.

This craft definitely got a lot of attention...

...both in and out of the water:

The Shreveport Police were there to be sure everyone behaved themselves:

When we got hot we went back inside for cold beer, air conditioning, and visiting with friends while watching the action through the windows:

These folks had the right idea:

Of course, I never saw them again after I took this picture.  

It was a grand time and we are fried.  Until next year.

The Shreveport Times has a great photo gallery here.

The SIGIS Take a Trip Series:
Take a Trip to the 2012 Defenders of Liberty Air Show at BAFB
Take a Springtime Trip to Second Hand Rose Antiques in Minden, LA
Take a Trip to Logansport, Louisiana
Take a Trip to the Lock and Dam on Red River
Take a Trip to the 2012 Barkus and Meoux Parade
Take a Christmas Shopping Trip to Second Hand Rose in Minden
Take a Trip to Grand Cane's Fifth Annual Pioneer Trade Day
Take a Trip to the 2011 Highland Jazz & Blues Festival
Take an Autumn Trip to Jefferson, Texas
Take a Fall Trip to Second Hand Rose Antiques in Minden
Take a Trip to the 8th Air Force Museum at Barksdale Air Force Base
Take a Summertime Trip to Grand Cane
Take a Trip to Desoto Parish
Take a Summer Trip to Second Hand Rose Antiques in Minden
Take a Trip to Natchitoches and Melrose Plantation 
Take a Trip to Ed Lester Farms and a Random Antique Stop
Take a Trip to the Norton Art Gallery and the Masters of Cuban Art Exhibit
Take a Trip to Natchitoches to See the Christmas Lights
Take a Trip to Natchitoches and Oakland Plantation

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