Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012: (UPDATED)

If you have interesting pictures from your voting location or from wherever you are in the country that reflect today's election, send them to me.  (Email is on the contact page).  We'll post pictures of election 2012 here.

Louisiana isn't exactly a battleground state but everyone needs to go vote!

In Louisiana we have several amendments on our ballot, too.  One of them deals specifically with your Second Amendment rights.

Go vote.

And check back for updates.

Update 11:40:  The line at my voting place was an hour long!  I've been voting there for probably 25 years and it has NEVER been that long.

This is the line - it went forward on the left wall then looped back down the right wall.  Awesome!

The line stretched far outside the door:

So I decided to drive around and check other polling stations.  This one in south Shreveport looked crowded too:

Again, I've never seen lines like this.

There is a voting location down the street from me and the parking lot was filled and cars lined the street.  The line wasn't out the door though.

I saw this fella as I was driving home:

And at the Brass Monkey:

How are things were you are?

Update 1:10:  Instapundit has a roundup of turnout and anecdotal reports from around the country.

Via Fox, this is outrageous!

Update 3:50:  William Teach at The Pirate's Cove has an extensive list of bloggers doing election coverage today if you need some reading material before election results start coming in.

The Other McCain has Election Day Updates, too.

1 comment:

  1. The mural in Phil, Obama poster hanging in Fla. polling place, Election judge in Chicago signing in voters while wearing an Obama cap, black panthers outside a polling place in Phil. Gop poll watchers being removed and replaced with Dems. and Howard Dean claims the only way for GOP to win certain states is through fraud. Do some of these practices seem fair or ethical?
