Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Queen of Camo

Are you a Duck Dynasty fan?  Or no?

I love those people.  They crack me up.  Seriously, I do.

Duck Dynasty, as you've probably heard, is a show the whole family can watch: no sex, no cussing, no violence (except the occasional dead squirrel or duck), it's funny, and it ends with a prayer.  (shhhh!  Don't tell the libs that!)

The Robertson clan is in the news now because they're holding out for a raise.  Oh, they don't need the money; Phil Robertson made millions with his duck calls ages ago.  But who can blame them?  They're a huge ratings hit.

I've been amazed at the comments on Facebook about this photo of Korie Robertson.  The critics are downright nasty about this picture and are calling it "porn" and the Robertsons "sellouts."  They look at this picture and see sex.

I look at this picture and I see a happily married Christian woman with a great figure in an original duck-camo pattern dress.   Beautiful.

What do you see?


  1. I see a successful, pretty lady. Everyone is just sour grapes. People are so rude on the internet. There is no way half of the mudslingers on the interweb would be so vocal with half the crap they write. Jerks.

  2. We never watched for the longest time. Then the fact that a LOT of Godly people we respect think Duck Dynasty is the best thing since sliced bread, caused us to relent and stream a couple of episodes. We quickly caught up with all past seasons and now are fans of the Duckmen and their families. :-) And I see the same woman you see in Korie's photo. :-)
