Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Entitlement Nation

We are a nation of entitlements.

Via CNS News:
The total number of people in the United States now receiving federal disability benefits hit a record 10,988,269 in December, up from the previous record of 10,982,920 set in November, according to newly released data from the Social Security Administration. 
The average monthly benefit paid to a disabled worker also hit a record of $1,146.43 in December, up from a previous high of $1,130.34 in December of last year.

The Foundry posted on disability fraud last year (not to say that everyone on disability is perpetrating fraud, that is):

An 18-month investigation by a Senate subcommittee reports that in more than 25 percent of cases reviewed, evidence confirming disabilities was “insufficient, contradictory, or incomplete.” The staff reviewed 300 decisions in which individuals were awarded disability benefits by administrative law judges. A 2011 internal Social Security Administration report echoed the findings, showing a national error rate of 22 percent.

We spent 3.7 trillion dollars on welfare in the fast five years.  49% of Americans receive some kind of assistance from the government and these figures continue to grow.  Only half of Americans pay income taxes.

When Washington talks about cutbacks, why is it that they look first to military retiree benefits and never welfare?

Graphic via ZeroHedge

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