Friday, December 6, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life at Robinson Film Center

I'm limping along to Christmas, y'all.  I've got the tree up but all the icicles aren't on there yet, and one string of lights at the top has gone out and I've done nothing about that.

I have made the fruitcake cookies and am planning to make mom's fudge.

I'm planning on getting through this first Christmas without my mom by starting some new traditions.  We've been invited to a Christmas party on Christmas Eve and I'm excited about that!

And how cool will it be to see one of my favorite Christmas movies at The Robinson Film Center on a Saturday afternoon with my husband!  We've got our tickets already and will go out and eat afterward.

After Christmas we will go visit the cutest grandson in Texas.

I think that's going to be my plan - at least for this year.  Some new traditions and some old....just keep swimming.


  1. Don't worry about the icicles or that string of lights, and new traditions are excellent. Well done.

  2. Mom would have wanted it that way.

  3. She would. I'm so grateful for all the support!
