Monday, January 4, 2016

C. B. Forgotston: 1945 - 2015

Incredibly sad news.  C.B. was kind to this blogger back when I was political blogging more heavily. I was always a fan of his straight talk and clear assessment of issues.  This is a terrible loss.

1 comment:

  1. RIP to a really nice, nice and funny guy. Sarcastic humor doesn't even begin to describe him, lol. So really very sad..

    C.B. and I were both LSU Class of '66 and I knew him well. We were friends there but
    didn't run in the same crowd. Years later after my Air Force tour and 20 yrs in Louisville when we returned to New Orleans C.B. was one of the first people my wife and I bumped into and we became close friends. IIRC C.B wasn't married in those years, having just been divorced from his first wife the former Beth Bryant, a Delta Gamma at LSU. Beth and I were very close and I was sorry to see that relationship go by the boards.

    Funny story. C.B and I were in summer school together and taking our last final of our undergrad career in a course in La geography. C.B. had an "A" going into the final so even if he skipped it he would get the needed C to graduate. He and I were sitting in old Dodson Auditorium in the same row separated by the requisite seat when I heard a rustling of paper and pens, etc. I looked over quizzically and he said to me: "I don't even care enough about this course to cheat," then picked up his test paper, walked down the steps, turned it in blank and left the auditorium avoiding a 3hr experience. LOL!!!

    (PS: C.B. and I both got the grade of "C" but via the exact opposite approach. Unlike C.B I had skipped every class (as it was a 3 hr class starting at 7pm and I was usually well drunk by then, as it was my only class of that day and I usually spent the entire day drinking by the pool at my apt, so got an automatic "F" on every exam. Thus I had to ace the final to get a "C"--which I did!)
