Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dog Crack

Checkers has a new love. She used to go crazy for Iams dog treats which I keep in a cookie jar on the kitchen counter. Lately, however, Steve has been buying Schwann’s Dog-Zerts for her, and she goes crazy. She has even begun to recognize the Schwann’s truck when it pulls up. The treats are advertised as a “high-protein snack for your dog” but I think it’s more like crack for dogs.

This evening, Steve went to the freezer and got a Schwann’s ice cream cup (not a dog-zert, a people-zert). Checkers stared him down until we figured out that she thought he was eating her dog treat. I finally got a Dog-Zert out for her and she began to quiver with excitement, hardly able to let me peel the cardboard top off the plastic cup. Once she begins eating the thing, she never comes up for air until it’s done.

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