Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello Blogosphere!

This is just what the world needs! Another Blog! Yes, I have decided to join the flock and join the blogosphere. In fact, I'm also going to start, once I get the hang of this, a professional blog. That will come later. Much later, probably. Here, you can expect to find my random observations of life as I see it, which might include anything from what Checkers did today (that's my dog), political observations (I know, but I can't help it sometimes; I will try to behave), what's happening around town that's interesting, what I'm reading.... In other words, at this point, I'm keeping the door open as to where this blog might go. You NEVER know what you will find. I also will eventually post links to some of my favorite blogs (I have a few!) So, be patient with me as I learn my way around here and come back in a bit and see what has developed.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! So I have all kinds of things I can send you. My friend sent me a TON of blog templates if you want to play with the look of your site, and I can send you a tracker that lets you figure out how many people visit your site each day!
