Friday, September 5, 2008

Curl Up and Read

When I got home yesterday a book I ordered had arrived in the mail. Honestly, I spend MORE of my discretionary income on books than absolutely anything else. I have on my beside table at least five books waiting patiently in line to be read, and I have two old favorites standing by. The two old favorites are both E.B. White; one is his letters, and one is a collection of essays. I love E.B. White. Like Noonan, he has a conversational, easy writing style that I just love.

The book that arrived yesterday was for "The Teenager" who I don't talk about in this blog because he has a private life and teenage years are hard enough without them being posted on the internet. But he also loves to read. And a lot of those books I order? They are for him because I totally love for him to read.

He mostly loves reading sports biographies, mostly football players. But of course we've been through the Harry Potters and the Paolini books, and Jonathon Stroud. Artemis Fowl. ALL the Buffy series books (there are LOTS of those.) I put in his hands today his first Stephanie Meyer book and he has not come up for air. I love this. The video game is off. So is the TV. He said, "Mom, this is good. I want them all." (He likes series books).

I've never read any Stephanie Meyer but she's getting a lot of buzz now with her latest release and people say good things about her books. It's just not my genre, really. But I'm thrilled that my teenager is curled up with a good book on a Friday night. My kinda kid!

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