Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26

Finally, Christmas is over! I woke up this morning and my first thought: "Time to take the tree down!" I'm going to get stared on that today, as well as getting all the Christmas clutter boxed up for next year. Once it's over, it's over, you know? I'm ready to clear things out and get back to normal. I really enjoyed Christmas this year, and the family thing was great, but now it's time to box up and clean up.

So, to that end, I'll spend the morning boxing stuff up; this afternoon I'm going by my mom's to visit with her cousin who is coming in from out-of-town for a short visit. Steve and I are going to the grocery store; fun stuff. It seems that all my holidays are centered around food and I'm already thinking about New Year's food. Should I cook both greens AND cabbage? I love them both so why not!

I hate the New Year's Eve thing; I guess I enjoyed that more when I was younger, but now I'm just over it. I have a friend that calls that night "amateur night" because so many stupid people get out and drink and drive. Dangerous stuff. People do other stupid things on New Year's Eve, like fire guns into the air. Dumb. So, I always stay home these days on New Year's Eve. Besides, the fireworks terrify my dog.

After that, well, it's time for Mardi Gras which is one of my FAVORITE things to do! Can't wait for the big parades and the fun afternoons wandering up and down closed streets, looking at the tailgaters, smelling the great foods, and seeing people I haven't seen in ages. Love, love Mardi Gras!!

Actually, I think I'll go ahead and get out my Mardi Gras decorations while I'm boxing up Christmas....


  1. Do you guys do black eyed peas and collards?

  2. Oh yeah! Actually, when I cook greens I just mix them: collards, mustard and turnip (no actual turnips though!) Cooked with salt pork or leftover ham - to die for. Even better with chow chow served on the side! OMG.

  3. Growing up in Iowa I never heard of eat blackeyed peas and greens on New Years. My first time to do so was on my first New Years on the police department.

    A guy I was working with asked me if I had my blackeyed peas and greens for New Years. I told him I didn't, and didn't know anything about the tradition. He took me to his house that night and fed me. I've never missed a year since.
