Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shreveport Tea Party - 19 More Days

Only 19 more days until the Shreveport Tea Party!

There are a few updates since I last posted. The Louisiana Boardwalk is now the confirmed site of the event and the time is still 5:00 p.m. Organizers are requesting that you bring LOTS of canned goods to contribute to the food bank when you come. We want to show Washington that we can take care of our own neighbors!

Confirmed speakers are Congressman John Fleming and also Claudia Boutte who owns a small business and will address the topic of small business taxes. Spots are running on local media now so listen for those.

There will be a roast pig and there will also be a live performance by La Outlaws!

So start working on your signs (you can go here to the Shreveport Tea Party site for sign ideas) and gathering your canned goods. Bring your camera and plan to have a good time. Volunteers are still needed to help distribute flyers; if you have a little time to help, go here to sign up.

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