Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quote of the Day

"What struck me (aside from its unfortunate echoes of his self-absolvement with regard to what William Ayers did when young Barack was eight years old) was the reductive narcissism of the answer. Barack Obama is not a banana-republic coup-leader resetting the calendar to Year Zero. When he travels abroad, he represents two-and-a-third centuries of constitutional continuity. The impression he gives that that's all just some dreary backstory of no real relevance to the Barack Obama biopic he's starring in 24/7 is very unusual in the chief of state of one of the oldest democratic polities on the planet. And not entirely reassuring."

Mark Steyn
on Obama's response
to Ortega's diatribe at the
Summit of the Americas

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1 comment:

  1. Arrogance, without the accomplishment or even obvious talent, is usually just annoying. With this bombastic hack as our president is becoming dangerous.
