Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Linkage with Russell Crowe

Your gratuitous Rule 5 Sunday picture this week is a very fit looking Russell Crowe from his upcoming Robin Hood movie. Can't wait for that one!

There were some intriguing blog posts this week and some great articles from my regular reading lists. Here are some you should take a look at if you missed them:

Brutally Honest has a great post on the revival of CIFTA and the hazards therein. This treaty is a nasty can of worms for advocates of the Second Amendment and we're going to need to watch it carefully. It isn't being marketed as "gun control" so your leges can vote for it and not have to answer, really, to their constituents that they've attacked the Second Amendment. See also Locust Blog.

Also, Red Stick Rant had a great post on the gun control issue. As he says, proof "that Mainstream Media coverage of a court decision about gun control is directly proportional to how much control of guns that decision gives."

Loved Pundette's post about Shoe Wars! But, where was the picture of McCain's loafers?! Fausta's Blog also entered the shoe discussion; I like her William Morris print shoes MUCH better than Michelle's ugly sneaks.

snaggletoothie has a great video of Marcia Ball! After my Time Trippin' post last night, I can't tell you how much fun it was to watch that one! Loved it!

Do NOT miss Robert Stacy McCain's post Of Hope and Hubris. Most excellent work.

Little Miss Attila weighs in on health care, a subject which makes my ears bleed. Leave my insurance alone!!!

EVERYTHING posted at Sippican Cottage is a pure joy to read but I loved his geranium post this week. It suited me just fine. I want to be a writer like Sippican when I grow up.

American Power has a great write up on the anti-socialism rally in Pasadena. Victoria Jackson!

Don't miss the post at No Sheeples Here about your grand Obama stimulus $$. He's going to be wanting that back next April.

Greta Perry at Kiss My Gumbo defends lovely New Orleans and points to the article comparing it to ... Baghdad?!

If you read only one thing this week it should be yukio's discussion of Conservatism at Critical Narrative. Monique Stuart also weighed in on the Conservatives issue.

Darrell Rebouche rescues baby racoons. Too cute warning.

I know whenever I go to Texas Rainmaker there's going to be a great post. Swine Flew (about Arlen Specter, of course) was no exception!

Israel Matzav has an interesting perspective on issues and reports on things most other blogs are not. Be sure to check it out.

I'm thinking Professor Jacobson is pulling for Deval Patrick to replace Souter! ;)

Cynthia Yockey went to Carrie Prejean's press conference!

And finally, go meet Daisy!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the linky love. Much appreciated! I've neglected to do this in a long time!
