Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shreveport Weather

Crazy bad weather here this evening; these pictures are from Jerry Newman, posted here, at the Shreveport Times website. Anyone familiar with Shreveport knows that's the steeple from the First United Methodist Church now on the ground in downtown Shreveport. It crushed this car when it fell.

Tornadoes all around us - mostly in Haughton and North Bossier, so far. This one, that knocked the steeple down, ended up in North Bossier. There are condos in Greenacres Place on fire and lots of blown roofs in Haughton. Also in Haughton, a huge pine tree fell, cutting a house in half. There was an elderly woman inside along with her daughter; both have been checked out and are doing okay.

More weather on the way this evening. Shelters are open at Platt Elementary on Highway 80 in Haughton and one is opening at the Bossier Civic Center.

I've checked on a couple of my friends from work that live in Bossier and at last check they were fine. Feel free to leave check-ins and updates in the comments!

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