Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Mighty Red

As you may be aware, we had some storms this week. Several neighborhoods around here are still worried about flooding as the waters continue to rise. It's always kind of exciting to watch when the Red River swells and overflows its banks, although not at all fun for the poor souls who have to worry about sandbags and levees.

At any rate, I ventured out today and took some pictures of the river. I started out at the Stoner Boat launch. You'll have to trust me when I tell you that the river is WAY out of its banks here.

I primarily wanted to see Riverview Park which is under water, so I ventured north just a bit, toward downtown.

Here is what the park looked like in February when Steve and I went to the Barkus and Meoux Mardi Gras parade. The river is, of course, behind that stage area. The area is terraced, as you can see, and people can sit out on that grassy area on the ledges. Note the steps and handrails - in the following picture, it's all under water.

This is what it looks like today; this is from about the same spot -

Here's another angle:

There's a walking/jogging trail that begins downtown and runs south along the river, and if I was a runner I could tell you how long it is, but I have no idea. Anyway, you can see in this picture where the trail goes under water for a little bit and then comes out the other side. No jogging today.

So, the river is supposed to begin to recede soon - it's about at flood stage now. Flood stage is 30 feet and it's supposed to hit 29.6. Close enough.

There's more at my Flickr page.

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