Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NY-23: Election Day

I'm joining Stacy McCain in hoping that "it ends tonight" with regard to NY-23. But, it won't. At least, not if Anita Moncrief is correct. ACORN is already gearing up to protest the election.

Read Anita's concerns at Hot Air's Greenroom. She says, "Multiple sources on the ground in New York’s 23rd Congressional district confirm that ACORN is expected to be actively protesting the election results in Clinton County, New York tomorrow. This move comes on the heels of a legal win for the Hoffman camp today as it was ruled that all poll watchers would have to be registered voters of NY 23."

During the ACU PAC conference call Sunday night these concerns were also expressed by Hoffman spokesman Rob Ryan. He said, "We want a clean, legal election because if that's the case, we win."

Please, God, let it be so.

Clean. Fair. Over.

(More at Memeorandum)

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