Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Iowa Snow Pictures

Steve's sister sends more pictures of Iowa snow. This is in southern Iowa. It's hard to tell how deep it is in this picture, but you'll have to trust me when I tell you that this is a bench in front of her house which is normally a nice place to sit.

The other picture is of their house. I'm wondering who dug the trench from the house to the road?

It makes this picture she sent on Monday look like a little flurry! Light the fireplace, Sheryl, and open a good book! Looks like you're socked in for a while!

It's beautiful to me, but I know they are sick of it. Steve's niece sent a funny email in which she describes looking at the outdoor thermometer and notes it was 13 degrees. When her husband went outside, he said, "No way is it 13 degrees!" They checked again only to notice the negative sign in front of the 13.

They can have that! I'll keep my 30 degrees for right now!


  1. i just talked to my principal and she said she might call school off again tomorrow. she said the highway out of town to the interstate was drifted 1/2 shut so the narrow gravel country roads will be drifted shut. our maintenance man said when he drove to work yesterday, he couldn't tell the road from the ditch because the ditches are full of snow and drifting across the roads. it's dangerous and good to stay home. besides, our garage doors are frozen shut so we have to stay here! emory said the roof on the hog barn in another farm in his company collapsed today killing some hogs.

  2. Looking at those pictures I bet Casey, Skippy, and Eldon are glad they aren't basset hounds.

  3. Matt drives to Forest City every day for work (about 25 miles) and he said that he experienced the worst visibility that he has ever seen when he was driving home from work yesterday.
