Monday, February 15, 2010

Newsweek Gives Heads Up To Terrorist Networks

Once again, the liberal, clueless media goes where they shouldn't. Via Newsweek's aptly named blog, Declassified, we learn for the first time that:

"U.S. intelligence officials appear to have obtained access to what could turn out to be a significant trove of phone numbers, photographs and documents detailing the links between Al Qaeda's leaders in northwest Pakistan and the terror group's increasingly menacing affiliate in Yemen, two counter-terrorism sources tell Declassified."

The arrest, made in late January, had not been made public until now...until Newsweek spills it:

There has been no public announcement of the arrest. But in a possible indication of the operative's importance, just a few days later, two postings on a jihadi web forum suggested that Al Qaeda leaders were worried and wanted their "commanders" to take immediate precautions.

Of course, once little
Abdullah Saleh al-Eidan, aka "Barud", didn't show up, Al Qaeda leaders knew about the arrest and immediately went underground:

"The brother requested that this information reach the commanders in Yemen and Afghanistan as soon as possible," read one of the postings, which appeared on a web forum known as Fallujah Islamic Forum. "He also asked.the commanders to change their places of residence and mobile phone numbers as soon as possible."

And now, of course, the whole world knows about it, in addition to any terrorist networks who were not already in the loop.

Imagine if Al Qaeda was able to shut things down so quickly, how much more they could hide in five weeks of Mirandized silence.

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