Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Let's Have a Vote!"

This is the kind of rhetoric that just makes me want to bang my head against the wall until my ears bleed. On ABC News This Week this morning, we have George Will, Anita Dunn, Ed Gillespie, and Cokie Roberts discussing, what else, but health care.

Anita Dunn is like a little robot continuously reiterating the Democratic talking points about how wonderful this bill is. It's going to reduce the deficit! It's going to give tax credits! It's going to be wonderful!

When George Will suggests that Republicans should call for a vote on it Monday, right NOW, (knowing that the Democrats don't have the votes), Dunn feigns agreement. Yes, she says, let's have "an up or down vote!" Of course, Will means an actual vote on the bill, not on a reconciliation rule. You must be very specific, Mr. Will. Their plan now is to pretend they voted on the Senate bill, remember?

Dunn goes on to remind us that when we have political disagreements in this country we let the majority decide. Which majority is that? The majority in Congress or the majority of the American people who don't support this bill?

Then you get Cokie Roberts who channels Nancy Pelosi's kamikaze theory of reform passage when she says that at this point the Democrats don't have anything more to lose, the Republicans are going to characterize this bill in a negative light, and we might as well just pass it and explain to the American people that "we've brought a change because the status quo is unacceptable." In other words, shut up and take your medicine. You're too stupid to know what's good for you.

Roberts agrees that the "Democrats will lose their seats over process but they will take the chance because of the substance." She compares this legislation to the civil rights legislation in the 60s. Anita Dunn helpfully concurs, saying Oh yes, once it's actually passed, even though you might hate it now, you'll love it later!

What's wrong with these people?

Dunn wants to talk about majorities, here's Rasmussen's latest figures:

Fifty-seven percent (57%) believe that passage of the proposed health care legislation will hurt the economy. Just 25% believe it will help. Forty-two percent (42%) favor the President’s health care plan while 53% are opposed. Fifty-five percent (55%) say that Congress should scrap the current health care legislation and start over.

The majority in America does not want this bill.

We've been talking about this legislation ad nauseum; everyone is sick of it. Sick of writing about it. Sick of trying to drum sense into a bunch of boneheaded Democrats who won't listen to the American people.

I want just one heroic Democrat that will stand up and stop this crazy train. Just one who will fight this takeover of the American economy, this huge government power grab, this absolute and total evisceration of the Constitution, just one Democrat to say, "We need to start over."

This legislation contains language that will fund abortion clinics and force you, the taxpayer, to pay for abortions. You don't even have to be a pro-lifer to know that's wrong. Aren't there any more courageous Democrats who will join Rep. Stupak's stand against this?

Professor Jacobson had a nice post this morning recognizing the Republicans who have held the line and kept up the good fight:

Republicans from Eric Cantor to John Boehner to Paul Ryan to Mitch McConnell to John McCain to Scott Brown have given voice to the reality that Obamacare is not about health care, it is about government control over our lives accomplished through budget gimmicks which mask the truth that we cannot afford what Obama is selling.

This fight is far, far from over.

Yes, let's have a vote tomorrow. Bring it on.


  1. I couldn't make it through one comment by Dunn, she is obnoxious. They lie constantly.

  2. I figure if you want to understand what Anita Dunn is talking about (presuming she's really talking about something and not just moving her lips), consult her favorite political philosopher. So I did. Here's what Mao had to say about the "majority":

    We must affirm anew the discipline of the Party, namely:
    (1) the individual is subordinate to the organization;
    (2) the minority is subordinate to the majority;
    (3) the lower level is subordinate to the higher level; and
    (4) the entire membership is subordinate to the Central Committee.
    Whoever violates these articles of discipline disrupts Party unity.

    Kind of puts Dunn's remarks into perspective, doesn't it?
