Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day in Shreveport

Light posting here today. I had things to take care of in the morning, then Steve and I met a friend for lunch; we checked on mom in the the afternoon and then this evening Steve and I went to Hangar 2 on BAFB for their St. Patrick's Day celebration.

We love the Oktoberfest celebration they do on base so we thought we'd give the St. Patrick's day thing a try.

It was "cook your own steak night" so for $5.00 you get a steak to cook, salad, potatoes and baked beans. Also tonight, cabbage,o for St. Patrick's Day. They provide the gas grill, too. I put Steve in charge of cooking and he did a fine job.

Steve had green beer and I had beer sans green. Purist.

There was karaoke and a few brave souls took part which was fun.

I nearly got the bell rung on me: apparently I'm a noob and didn't know that at Hangar 2 if you put your cell phone, purse, or keys on the bar someone can come ring the bell (pictured below left) on you and you have to buy everyone in the house a drink. Ditto if you take a cell phone call inside the bar or wear a hat. There are other rules too, but if you're caught reading the rules (posted on the wall...) guess what..... Yeah. So.

Lord only knows what would have happened to me if they'd seen me snapping photos.

Now that I know the rules, we'll probably be safe to go back. It's really nice sitting on their big deck, watching the sun set, and listening to the big jets and B-52s fly over. I'll never understand those people that complain about the sound of those planes. It's freedom, baby! Love it!

Hope everyone had a happy St. Patrick's Day and some green beer. Or any beer.

Tomorrow, it's back to fighting Obamacare. Carry on.


  1. The sound of freedom - that phrase really struck after 9-11. I've also enjoyed the BUFFs and their sounds. I confess, however, I miss those relatively soothing purrs of the KC-10s...

  2. Husband and I had "bubble and squeak" and watched a History of Ireland dvd. Good times.
