Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tornado in Yazoo County, Mississippi

Our weather guys were predicting possible tornadoes for us here in Shreveport early this morning but they misjudged the storms.  The bad storms went just east of us and wiped out most of Yazoo County, Mississippi.

Governor Haley Barbour held a press conference a couple of hours ago and said the damage reminds him of Hurricane Katrina.  The Clarion Ledger has a photo gallery here and their complete coverage is here.  Yazoo City is Barbour's home town.

So far ten people are reported dead and at least 21 injured have been transferred to Jackson hospitals.  Barbour says they know of people still trapped in cars and houses that they just haven't been able to get to yet and parts of Yazoo City and the county are still inaccessible.

Video is here.

Reportedly, the tornado was nearly a mile wide.

Prayers go out to the people of Mississippi.  If you'd like to donate to the Red Cross you can go here.


  1. Where I grew up in Iowa was part of what is known as Tornado Alley, and I saw my share of tornados growing up. I remember the horrible feelings, and I still get them, in the pit of my stomach when storm watches and warnings are issued.

    I was here, stationed at Barksdale, when the horrible storm hit Bossier City on December 3, 1978. I will never forget looking up what was left of Airline Drive, and on Old Minden Road seeing the roofless El Chico restaurant, where I had a meal just hours before.

    April 4, 1999 (Easter weekend) the Benton, Louisiana area was hit with a devastating storm that killed several people. I was called in that evening and was told to report to what was left of the Hay Meadow trailer park between Bossier City and Benton.

    Hay Meadow, when ever I drove past it, always seemed like a place that was meant to be a happy place to live. Now I was looking at a mangled mess of broken mobile homes, and I could hear the gushing water spewing from the broken pipes. Rescue parties made up of law enforcement, fire personnel, and national guard were scouring the devastation for people who could have possibly have been trapped under the remains of the homes.

    As soon as I reported I was told we were going to twelve hour shifts and to go home, get some rest, and report again at 4:00 in the morning.

    I went home, but I couldn't sleep. I remember laying in bed trying to get some rest but kept thinking that there were people needing help. When I did dose off I distinctly heard the rushing water from the broken pipes. Needless to say I didn't get any rest.

    The following next few days were rough. Not because of the long hours but for watching the agony on the faces of the people who were putting their lives back together.

    My prayers go out to the people of Mississippi. God Bless you. I do know what you are going through.

  2. This tornado reminds me of the Tornado that struck Windsor Colorado a few years back. It to was about a mile wide and had over a 100 mile track. It wiped out half of the town, and pushed its way up to Wyoming before it stopped. It is a wonder more people were not killed. Scarey stuff!

  3. I am from Yazoo County, and the devestation and death of people you know who died protecting their children, and the horror some of our little ones saw was just awful.. Thankfully it went 1/2 mile behind my house but was 2 miles wide and nothing looks the same..... But we are a strong town, and slowly things and folks are getting somewhat back to normal, as for me it will always be a day of remembrance of a great mother Nikki Carpenter.... She gave the greatest gift of all for her children...
