Saturday, May 22, 2010

Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Graduation Edition

It's graduation season and we're taking part this year:  today the Teenager graduates from high school.  My daughter and her husband are coming in from Dallas for the occasion and so I'm going to get on to the links as I have much to do this morning!  Short and sweet this morning:

Doug Ross reports on a coming Facebook exodus.

Pundette says that ICE can elect not to process Arizona illegals (and has video of Krauthammer - always a plus!)

Pirate's Cove points out the difference between the Ds and the Rs, especially obvious in the Blumenthal issue.

Fishersville Mike highlight's Steyn's evisceration of Obama's Daniel Pearl speech.

No Sheeples Here has taken the rat in the Rose Garden to a new level!

Smitty at The Other McCain highlights a video about Obamacare and the medical industry.

American Power reports on the twists and turns in the Texas textbook battle.

The Daley Gator has Rep. McClintock's response to Calderon.

Ruby Slippers has a great roundup today you can link from when you finish here!

Wyblog documents Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.

That's it for now.  Things to do!  Have a spectacular Saturday and I'll catch you guys later!

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