Sunday, October 31, 2010

Early Voting Data May Bode Well for Republicans.

Is this a sign of things to come across the nation Tuesday or just a sign of things in Florida:

Of the more than 1.9 million Floridians who had voted through Friday, nearly 275,000 more Republicans than Democrats had cast their votes either by absentee ballot or at an early voting site.

Via NRO's Battle 10 blog, the enthusiasm gap in Florida is huge.  The gubernatorial race there is very, very close; the Florida Senate race is not quite as close.  In fact, it's probably less close now than it was yesterday with Crist now vowing to caucus with Democrats.  Of course, you can't believe that because you can't believe anything he says, but it's probably a safe bet.

In Nevada where the Reid/Angle race is still very close, reports there indicate "no enthusiasm gap whatsoever."   Of couse, that report was from Phoebe Sweet of the Nevada State Democratic Party.  A Democratic political consultant was quoted in The Hill as saying that Republicans vote early and Democrats vote on election day.

Locally, early voting was higher than normal as well.  Caddo Registrar of Voters Ernie Robertson said over 4,000 ballots were cast which was "on the higher end" of what he expected.  Early voting in Bossier Parish was also brisk.

Jim Geraghty did a post on some of the national numbers last week which seems to bode well for Republicans.  But again, it depends on who you ask.

Of course, we'll know Tuesday.

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