Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dr. Death Panel Testifies Today

Dr. Donald "Death Panel" Berwick is scheduled to testify before the Senate Finance Committee this morning but I'm not expecting any fireworks.  According to Politico, the meeting will be an abbreviated one:

Senate Republicans speculated Tuesday that CMS Administrator Don Berwick’s hearing is likely to close after one hour this morning, and they’re not happy about it. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., and Senate votes are tentatively scheduled to start an hour later– a convenient reason for Democrats to gavel the hearing out. After waiting this long to hear from Berwick, Republicans want some more time with him. 

Convenient for the Dems, no dobut.  Berwick, as you recall, was given a recess appointment and has not been grilled by Senate republicans on his policies, plans, or love of rationing as of yet.

His testimony today is scheduled for 10 ET.

Red State:  Rationer-In-Chief of ObamaCare
American Spectator:  Don Berwick's Death Panel?

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