Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!  I'm a purist when it comes to holidays; that is, one holiday at a time.  There is no hint of Christmas at my house yet.  In fact, I'll hardly even discuss Christmas until Thanksgiving is over.  Why rush it?

I'm thankful for a lot of things this year.  My teenager graduated from high school and started college; Steve and I got married (finally, after 8 years) in April.  My mom fell off her porch but rehabbed herself back to some degree of good health.  My family is happy, healthy and for the most part, doing just fine. 

As I'm thankful for my good blessings, I'm also sad for those I know and love who have had a terrible year and lost loved ones;  there are too many this year.  I'm remembering each of those families in my prayers this Thanksgiving as I know there will be an empty place at too many tables this year. 

I hope you and yours are safe and well and have a happy holiday.  I'd tell you not to eat too much but that would spoil all the fun of the day!


  1. Pat, back at ya'!

    Hope you ALL have the most blessed, and enjoyable of days imaginable.

    And, thanks for not rushing Christmas on us. You da' gal!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Pat!

    Hey, I'm glad I'm not the only one who puts off Christmas until after Thanksgiving...

  3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Pat. I agree, by the way, I can barely think about Christmas yet let alone start the celebrations before the turkey is out of the oven. Every year gets earlier and earlier too it seems. You have lots to celebrate already so I hope you and your family have a happy and peaceful day.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you also!

    I don't decorate until the 10th of December, at least. I do my cards the first week of the month and my baking the week before Christmas Day.

  5. @Pat,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and loved ones and to all your readers.
