Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pence/Palin 2012?

I've been thinking about Mike Pence today.  It's George Will's fault; he got me going. 

I'm not sure about his chances, should he decide to run, because I'm not sure he has the name recognition that someone like, say Romney or Huckabee has.  But, Pence seems to be one of the strongest truly conservative contenders out there.  He did recommend a somewhat squishy immigration bill which some equated to amnesty, but on all other fronts Pence seems to be solid.

So what do you think?




  1. I really like Mike...met him in NOLA back in April. When he spoke to the group...he even sounded very Presidental...if you know what I mean...

  2. Sounds like an Obama re-election to me.........

    As I said the other day, scrap Palin....she is a liability and with the long term damage economically that is going to be done with all of the policies the current administration has thrown out if you are a elephant fan you better find somebody that has a proven history of fiscal policy this point I don't know who that would be.......
    if you want to include a conservative female as your vp then your best bet would be Jan Brewer

  3. Will have to look at Pence a little closer before I can comment about him and I will.

    The ongoing negative attitude some have about Sarah Palin that I continue to see is almost hard to understand but I'll bet I do. Since she ascended from the Governor of Alaska position she has done nothing and said nothing that doesn't impress me as someone so savvy, smart, and politically wise that she blows away anyone in the card game. Enough to keep her detractors scared and confused.

    At a time when the voters are looking for the exact opposite of all the behind the green door politicians that are running this country, she continues to walk the land projecting a clear understanding of national and foreign policy, fiscal wisdom, brutal, up front honesty and an image that I just don't see in any other politician in the field.

    I have been watching every move and reading every word, and listening to everything she is saying looking for a flaw, and it ain't there, except in the minds of her detractors.

  4. this is to Hutch...actually I would rather see a woman as the President not VP! It's time - and I really believe in Sarah!
