Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blood Libel, James Clyburn, Sarah Palin, and the Boycott Continues

Arghhhhhh!  This is why I just won't/can't blog on the Arizona shooting - because this kind of ignorance displayed by James Clyburn makes my head explode!  Pot, meet kettle.

Clyburn said that Palin didn't grasp why such rhetoric was so troubling, regardless of the motivations of the alleged shooter. The No. 3 House Democrat referenced the civil rights era and said that some of the shrill rhetoric in modern politics is reminiscent of that time.

"I have some experiences that maybe she does not have," he said. "When I see and hear things today that are reminiscent of that period of time, I am very, very concerned about it, because I know what it led to back then, and I know what it can lead to again."

My boycott continues.  What else can we talk about?   How's the weather where you are?


  1. The weather is cold here and there's snow covering everything. The poor first graders were standing at the bus stop in 17 degree weather with wind this morning at 7 a.m.

    I am happy not to hear what any of the people whose names you mention as currently not listening to, have to say.

  2. It's cold out here at Lake Bistineau too!
    My head exploded 10 minutes after it happened. That's as long as the MSM took.

  3. It's cold where I am. But isn't all of the US cold right now?

    Now let's talk about that blood libel thing-- just kidding.

    I've found there are times when I need to take a week off from politics. Maybe this is a sign this is your week...

  4. Snow. Lots of snow (for Knoxville, TN anyway). I am as sick of snow as I am of how the media and liberals have handled the Tucson situation.

  5. I just blew away a ton of "global warming."

    I actually watched the "memorial" and then my head exploded.

  6. I would say, "It's as cold as hell," but that would be stoopid, because we all know that hell is not cold at all.

    So, "How 'bout them Seahawks?" Oh wait...

    So, "How 'bout Les staying in Tigerland?" Oh wait...

    So, "How 'bout I just shut up, and go to bed?" Yeah, that's the ticket...

  7. Is blog a recognized verb in the English language?

    Anybody enjoy the Tucson Memorial Pep Rally and Obama Campaign 2012 Kickoff Speech sans Clintons?

    I think they could have got a better horn section, boy what a crew of lame players. Somebody needs to explain "Don't trip on your lip" to those guys. Should have at least got the Marine Band, or the Air Force Band. C'mon, she was a congresswoman for Chris' sake.

    Bullets and politics, my my.

  8. My last mention of the BHO Arizona Memorial Pep Rally and 2012 Campaign Kick Off Speech
    With thanks to The Sniper blog:
    BHO messes up a murder trial with his mouth. Why do they let this fool talk anywhere without his telepromters? “It’s the difference between paper law and trial law!”
