Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Damn.  My paycheck this month was $40 lighter thanks to the new tax codes.  Damn Obamacare and the tax and spend Democrats.

Time to tighten the belt I guess.  No more spending on anything non-essential. 

Beer is essential.


  1. ewwww. I'm sorry to hear that. And when it's due to taxes, there's no warning. At least with a pay cut or price increase someone tells us in advance. :-(

  2. Your school probably hasn't gotten the new tax codes since Democrats waited until December to extend the Bush tax cuts. So hopefully, you'll have more in a few weeks.
    More money, more beer.

  3. Hey. Found your blog quite by accident. Good reads. I used to spend a lot of time in Shreveport, until Obama was elected and I lost that job. Loved the city, despite what most people who aren't from the South say about it.

  4. Pat, you must be rich because B Hussein Obama said he would only require the rich to pay their fair share....

    I would ask if there are suckers out there who still belive him but I know the answer.

    The city has alreay given us a heads up that our medical insurance would go up...thanks Obamacare!

  5. Hey Pat ;-) Hope you're doing good. I know I'm not Captaint political blog much anymore but still, I hope you're doing great and I still pop in to read what's going on in your neck of the woods. ;-) Stay classy!

  6. I don't work and my husband is self employed, so we don't see it on a monthly basis, but I am sorry to hear that.

  7. Hey Red! Yeah, I've been keeping up with you at your place. I've been pretty quiet politically here, too. Just a little mental break. Glad you're doing well!

    Thurston - glad you found us. Come on back!

    Mike - Trust me. Not rich.

    Other Mike - fingers crossed.

    Tina - so true. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop now. It surely can't be long before they tell us the insurance is going up. Hope not!

  8. Hey there, I wanted you to know that your lighter wallet has nothing whatever to do with the new health care law, and everything to do with the normal annual IRS Federal tax withholding increase as well as an increase due to the expiration of the Making Work Pay tax credit. A double hit, if you will.

  9. Political burnout for me...I still pop in (to Drudge, and the usual outlets)to see what's what but otherwise (as I'm sure you can agree) we all have lives and the same old story keeps floating around on the air waves and television so tuning in any more than the bare minimum doesn't have any advantages as far as I can see.

  10. I thought with the tax cuts it would be more! What happened? $40? That's about a two days worth of gas

  11. -I hope you don't mind, Pat, but I had to quote you in full over at my joint - as the Viet Cong used to say: 'You display correct attitude'.

    -We all need our 'mental breaks' from all the micheghas.

    -Quoted from and Linked to at:
    Bob’s Musings: Feeble, Clueless, Virgins, Jousting, Russian Roulette, Betraying, Beer
