Monday, February 7, 2011

A Father's Tribute

I posted last week on the passing of our blog buddy snaggletoothie, or as his father knew him - Chris Monson.

His dad wrote yesterday to let me know he's posted a tribute to Chris with lots of pictures and the story of Chris's life.  It's a lovely piece.  I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, no matter what age.

I know we've missed Chris's voice in the blogosphere and his absence will be felt for a long time. 

I hope he's at peace now.

(Photo courtesy of Prune Picker.)


  1. I'm missing Chris a lot. He once mentioned he liked my "recommended reads" section and since then, without realizing it till now, I think of him when I make a selection, especially if it's something out of the ordinary. I'd think, well, Chris will enjoy this even if no one else will. Just now I added an item that I know he would have liked.

    Thanks for the link to his dad's tribute. I pray that Chris is resting in peace.

  2. Thank you so much for all your kind remarks about Chris (snaggletoothie). Chris was my brother and it means a lot to see how his blogs affected people.I'm not far from you (Ruston, La). Thanks again!!!
