Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break Officially Begins!

And not a moment too soon!  It's a balmy 82 degrees here today and I'm ready to begin a long week of R & R!  Lest you think SIGIS will be sitting around doing nothing all week, think again.  We've got a little day trip scheduled for tomorrow, I have Mom duties Monday and Tuesday, carpets to steam clean, flower beds to clean and plant, a yard to mow, dogs to bathe and Friday we're headed to the Barksdale AFB 2nd Annual Crawfish Boil.  Stay tuned to see if I master the Electric Slide this year.  I'm notoriously uncoordinated so don't count on it.  And next Saturday we'll be headed to Minden to see what Milly Rose has acquired in her shop since our last visit in February! 

But for now, a Noble Pils and the sunshine is calling me. 


  1. Enjoy!

    We got up to 36 degrees today. Our nights aren't expected to go above freezing until Wednesday. At least our part of the state missed this week's blizzard.

  2. Time to take down the Christmas lights!

  3. Those are festive deck lights, woman!!! :)
