Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday's Found Treasures

I made my weekly Friday estate sale trek today, but it was slim pickins'.  There were three estate sales today and this was all I got.  But, I'm pleased with my mini-haul.

Those little mugs have handles on them, but they're to the back so you can see the imprints.  They're each 2-1/4 inches tall and are cute as can be with their little beer logos.  I also got this small "Service Testament" which was printed in 1941.  The serviceman that owned it wrote his name in it and dated it July 1942.  It's cool to think it might have gone with him into war or that he carried it through his service.  I know by other items at the sale that he was retired Air Force.

I stopped at a flea market but that was a bust.  I poked through an antique mall too, but didn't see anything I just had to have. 

So.  My haul was small today, but worthwhile.  Total expenditure?  $5.00.

Onward to the weekend!

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