Sunday, May 10, 2009

The HonorAir Program

After sputtering and spitting for a while over the Obama/Normandy thing, a friend just phoned me and reminded me of the Louisiana Honor Air program. There may be an HonorAir in your state - at last check, there were 33 states participating. This is a wonderful program:

From their site: "Louisiana HonorAir is an organization of local people who's mission is to provide every WWII veteran, who is physically able to travel, the opportunity to view their World War II Memorial for the first time. The World War II Memorial was dedicated in 2004 for a generation who's youngest member is in their late seventies, so many of the men and women who fought and sacrificed for our country have not had an opportunity, or ability, to visit."

"For all Veterans interested in participating, the flight, ground transportation, wheelchairs, meals and other necessities are free of charge. Local volunteers, or guardians, will accompany the Veterans on the trip to assist with any physical or health needs and limitations.

"Louisiana HonorAir began providing one-day trips in 2007, with more scheduled for the future. The participants will travel by chartered aircraft from Louisiana to Reagan Washington National Airport, where they board motor coaches and travel to the Washington Mall to tour the World War II Memorial and enjoy a box lunch. There will also be an opportunity to tour the Korean War Veterans, Vietnam Veterans, and Iwo Jima Memorials, if time permits. The Veterans will also visit Arlington National Cemetery and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and then a return flight the same night."

I also want to mention Greta Perry and her tireless work with Soldier's Angels. Check out her blog and consider getting involved with one of the Soldier's Angels projects.

With the current administration, it seems that our veterans are going to need us more than ever.

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