Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Magic Number is Twenty-Five!

Okay, y'all, one last plea and an update on the school supplies issue.

I've had some requests for updates on quantities needed.  I am good on paper, pens, and pencils right now.  These supplies will be used to help kids in need - those who simply can't afford their own supplies.  So far I've received a dozen composition books, a couple dozen spiral notebooks, two dozen packages of notebook paper, and today I got a huge box of retractable pens and three packages of "Parts of Speech" bookmarks.

I've also been notified of orders of one each of the books requested below, and several flash drives;  and my SmashBook request for the Creative Writing kids was filled right away!

I've been overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of everyone who has responded!

What I still need is a minimum of 25 of each of the books.  That's one class set of each.  Next semester I'll have two sections of English II but I'm hoping by then to have received grant money or departmental funding for a second class set.

All of this is because of the new Common Core curriculum which we must implement this year; all our English II novels have changed!

I don't care if they're new or if they're gently used.  I just need books!  As I've said before, we are a small school in an economically depressed area and there are a large number of kids in my school who simply cannot afford to go to Barnes and Noble for a $10 paperback.  I can't stress enough the hardships some of these kids face.  And believe me, they DO appreciate knowing that someone cares enough about them to help them.  These are really sweet kids.

If you can help the address is Bossier High School, Attn:  Mrs. Becker, 777 Bearkat Drive, Bossier City, LA  71111.

So here's the list, once again.  Twenty five of each.  And if you can't help financially (hey, we're all in hard times), please share this post and pass it around.  I believe in the power of social media!  We can do this!

Update:  Thank you SO MUCH to Bob for his generous donation!  I was able to purchase fifteen copies of The Curious Incident... for my students via Amazon Marketplace!  Hooray!

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